I didn't mean to dis Tucker just saying that he is preaching to the choir. Those who se the meat of this already know what he is saying. If anything is seen by non-gun owners it will be a short clip of him firing a full auto "weapon" with no mention of the class 3 license necessary to possess one. Very few non gun owners know the difference between full and semi auto and the few who do aren't telling the others because it doesn't fit their narrative as well a the Tucker clip. Our Image as gun owners should not be a finger in the eye of those we are trying to educate. Largely we are not a bunch of white guys in camo carrying scary black rifles waving Don't Tread on Me flags. If we are we must change that image.
It is important people know that the "shall not be infringed' clause in the Second Amendment has been routinely ignored across the nation. There is nothing to support the claims that the founding fathers intended to limit the kinds of "arms" the people had a right to keep and bare. The purpose of the Second amendment was to give the people the ability to defend themselves, their families, their property, their community, or their Country for ANY enemy. To do that their "arms" had to be at least equal to the enemy be they civilian criminals or a tyrannical government foreign or domestic. Because of the high crime rate in Boston at the time as well as British soldiers being housed in homes John Adams never left his home without a brace of pistols and a knife. Many pistols of the time were double barrel so he could have had 4 shots. That was high capacity for the day. The Idea that the 2nd amendment is limited to firearms is also unfounded yet today carrying a knife in some places is a felony while carrying a gun may be a misdemeanor. Try walking down the street anywhere with a labor dangling from your belt. I will admit that I am concerned about folks walking around "armed to the teeth" but that concerns me less than trusting that some official with a gun will defend me. There are too many criminals on the streets and too many crimes being ignored. There Monday morning rant!