I got the new pulse generator for the speedometer but when I went to bolt it on today and the nut wasn't deep enough to thread on. 🤬Ya think buying the better part would be the same depth threads but no. Another engineer to kick in the teeth. Summit will issue my return Monday morning. Next part will be new rear axle studs. The shop that redrilled the bolt pattern for some strange reason just threaded in bolts. They work until you unbolt the wheel. Had to put lock washers behind the bokts/studs to prevent that , but one is buggered up now and so they have to go. Also the saltflats received more rain Thursday and are flooded again so... world finals is canceled. Was so looking forward to working with that team. Next year. On good/exiting news. Going fishing with my dad tomorrow. He's feeling good enough to leave the house after 6 months. 😊🎣
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