Turned it for ya!
Other than the everyday upholstery work, Bonneville off road racing contacted me again. This time working a checkpoint. My spot was way out in the desert in the mudflats. Was able to get out there without getting stuck and spent the night again in the passenger seat of the jeep. By 7:15am. There was a pack of V8 pre-runner trucks, buggies and UTV's headed my way. My job was to record vehicle numbers and the time they passed through. By 3pm. The last racer went by. A few months ago I put a volunteer post for Speedweek and World of Speed but both rained out. Shortly after my post I was contacted by a team that needs a extra hand. He's a Kiwi living in Idaho building a streamliner capable of speeds in the 4-500mph range. I'll be helping pit set up and cleaning between runs and some filming when I can. Can't wait, we have one last chance on the salt this year at the world finals. Usually the public isn't allowed at this event, so this will be special. Hopefully the weather cooperates.
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