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Attn:EDNY aircraft


Haha, sorry I couldn't help it. Was shopping aircraft and ran across one in NY.
I know it's too big and probably 4.5x more than you want to spend, but man it would be cool! Complete minus engines ;) Think of all the kids that could play in that ;D

Just 260 miles south of you. Bet he would take 4k or less and maybe trade? I keep finding complete 150 cessna's needing repaired around 4k so somebody has to have a shell cheap.

****Add-  Hey Ed, do you know anyone over around Swanton Vt? I was using "Google maps" around the area, and at the Franklin County State Airport there is an old fuselage sitting behind some old hangers.

sammons...that aircraft is a little too big for my project..but I appreciate you pointing it out.  Swanton, VT is about 17 miles from my house..I know - I drove every day for about 10 years when I was in the Border Patrol!

I get over there occasionally if you want me to look around.


Haha, nah! I knew the big one was too much. The little one over at Swanton looked like maybe you could make a play house out of. They don't way squat and you can easily drag up on a car trailer. I just like spotting them ;D

About 30yrs ago a guy stopped at the shop to look at a car out front. A trailer went by on the hiway with an old fighter fuselage on. I told the guy i would sure like to find an old bomber cockpit. He said he knew of one, seen it a couple months earlier. Claimed it to be a B-17 nose with the chin turret still attached and out in the boonies by an old farm house next to a tree row. So the next sunday my buddy Tom and I made the 70 mile trek in search of. It was a Boeing...707 frt cockpit propped up with a 55 gallon drum with a metal fence post leaning up against it ::)    Got a good laugh, it was a nice day for a drive.


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