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Salmon carving


 Just got this today from a friend that lives in the Pacific Northwest...he is self taught
In  carving these. This is his hobby ,he makes these for a lot of restaurants in the Seattle area.


--- Quote from: FATnLOW on April 22, 2016, 05:15:20 PM --- Just got this today from a friend that lives in the Pacific Northwest...he is self taught
In  carving these. This is his hobby ,he makes these for a lot of resturants in the Seattle area.

--- End quote ---

Let me be a smart a@@...if he's making them for a lot of restaurants..the people there must be really hungry ;D

On a serious note...they look great...maybe I could carve up a few old coupes! What kind of wood does his use? drift wood, lumber yard drops?

He told me he uses cedar...carves better according to him ... softer wood  and takes the shape easily, and said he occasionally makes the smaller ones out of driftwood...he has  one week in time doing this one ,over 4 ft long....

that's a pretty piece of carving, I think any one of us would be happy to display that in our house or den.



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