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Planning a car show of sorts.

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Anyone here have experience planning carhows or other ?

I had a great idea to plan a "rolling carshow" or tour I guess ya could call it.  The plan would be to tour some of our old roads .

How about a charity type tour? That way they don't compete for trophies...just gather at one spot then travel to a local eatery on the other side of town? Our club organizers set up tours of farming museums and other interesting business locations.

Always thought that a tour to a Senior Citizens home would be it would bring back memories for some?

If you did accept donations...just pick a charity that all agree with ... especially ones that rely on public donations.

Great idea Rattiac. Me personally,  I would rather do a tour with a group of old cars on historic old roads than attend a car show where you just sit in the hot sun with nothing to do and a loud concert speaker in your ear.

With careful planning, free or charity, time of year for the tour area, get freinds to help and be committed, and remember it's usually a thankless job and you can't please everyone, it would be fun.

I've organized a couple of foliage drives for my company.  We usually try to drive though a covered bridge or two and always pick a great place to stop and eat.  The one thing I figured out is make several stops along the way so you have time to socialize.  I agree I'd rather take a drive with a bunch of old cars than sit at a car show.  One thing I was going to try was a poker run.  A lot of the bike guys around here do that and it makes the ride interesting.
Ed visiting a senior home is a great idea.  The local Model A Club does it and from what I've heard the seniors really enjoy it!

A long, long time ago we did a, sort of, car scavenger hunt with clues that led from one landmark to another until it eventually led to a park.

Tom, how did I know your foliage drive would include covered bridges? ;D ;D 


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