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Gas station petrol tank caps, lids, tobys.

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There's not much on the net about these things, but my sparky is a mad collector of em.
He travels to the Bendigo swap meet in Australia every year, and buys a few.
Anyway, he's got a huge collection of these cast iron caps, that we all drive across regularly, when we pull into a gas station, to full up.
I've painted at least fifteen of these things, in the company colors.
I wish I'd taken more pics, but my sparky just came back from Australia with five more, and this 1930s Shell one, is the first I've painted, out of this new haul.
It needs a few touch ups, before I give it back, but thought I'd share it here, and by creating this thread, it'll help me to document them better.

Last one I did, a BP one.
No idea of its age.

That's amazing that they are still out there. Great work.

That's a unique item to collect I need to keep an eye for them

Being cast iron, they're heavy. Also you can't really stop cast iron from rusting, so we sand blast em, then I etch prime before painting.
They should last a while before the rust starts to show.
I'll have to get an invite to his toy shed for pics of the ones I've done.
My sparky owns a nice og Model A Sedan, and some nice restored Indian motorcycles.


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