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frame dimensions

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I'd like to see more about your build.

hey sixball, not much to say about it, my son got this car a few years ago, had ideas, a 454 laying around and thought it might be fun to stick this big boat anchor in and see what happens. well my son isn't rolling in the dough so it's slow plus life gets in the way. i'm working on a 55 chevy that takes all of my time. i like to fabricate so that isn't a problem, i have plenty of tools to do the work. i know the bodies had wooden frames but we bought square tube to fab up the frame work. my sons into the rat rod rust scene, rockabilly. he has his own ideas on how he wants it to look. he wants the big wheels, he doesn't like the leaf springs in the front so we might go coil overs. when we actually start something i'll start a thread on the project. that might be a while.  here are some pics. the one is of my radiator cover for my 55, i like to fabricate.

Cool projects! That is a nice roadster body and I like the look. There are different levels of rat rods. I hope he takes the more traditional hot rod side of things. I know that can be more expensive but the looks come out more of an old time hot rod in progress.  I like the big spokes not sure how they will hold up to a big block. The Ford "buggy spring" suspension can be built to perform very well while having that old time look the car has now. I'll be looking forward to you build thread. Your '55 looks good too.

 I'm trying to get my '26 back on track. I understand the life gets in the way thing especially this winter and now it has burst into weed season.  :o

Well that's an old pic. We got rid of the wheels and suspension. That's why we're looking at this other frame to stay chevy. And yes he is more hot rod. And we do understand that the big block is to much for this little car but just going for the look.

The more Chevy the better.  ;D  I'm sticking withe the parallel front leaf springs but that makes it harder to lower without a really ugly dropped axle. Mine won't be really low. The plan for the  the rear suspension will be a triangulated 4 link with quarter elliptics for the bottom links. And the crazy part is I'm replacing the old weed with new wood. But I'm moving very slow.  :(


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